Nilou Rerun Date, Banner, Skills and Details 2024

Nilou Rerun Date, Banner, Skills and Details 2024 - Genshin Impact

By KoeniginYU
Last updated:

There are lots of new characters that will be released in Sumeru. Some travelers are looking forward to pulling Nilou. As a Hydro Character, she is beautiful and special. I collect some news here, and hope it could be helpful for you.

Is Nilou a Four Stars Character or a Five Stars Character?

I think Nilou is a five-star character. According to her elemental burst, there is an anime of it. Besides Barbara, the rest four stars characters don't have animation of their elemental burst skill. 

Second, Nilou's character mod is quite beautiful and with fine creative details. Normally, the four stars characters don't have too many details. So that Nilou could be a five-star character.


When Will Nilou be released? 

Release Time Version Time
Release 3.2 Nov.2022
1st Rerun 3.6 April.2023
2nd Rerun Summer 2024
3rd Rerun 5.x 2025

Nilou is a sweet and beautiful female character, but her unique attack style means she's not the only choice for Spiral Abyss teams. As a result, her popularity isn't as high as Furina or Raiden. From a marketing perspective, optional female characters like Nilou may not necessarily be in high demand, so they're likely to be featured before major events. Therefore, Nilou is very likely to appear in the summer event, around version 4.8.

Version 4.8 will also feature a summer event and introduce characters from Sumeru to guide Travelers to Natlan. Therefore, Nilou is very likely to appear in the summer of 2024, around August and September.

Is Nilou a DPS or a Support?

If you check her skills and details, she is a Hydro main DPS. And her skills could have the reactions with Dendro. The weapon that Nilou will use is the sword.


Good luck!



saving for nilou's next banenr (>.<)


If I lose my 50 50 I hope I get Venti


huh? venti isnt a standard character 😰


me omw to lose my 50/50 to a limited banner character


Why was the font so big


I'm gonna pull for her but the problem is: my current team is really bad and since Nilou's rerun will probably come in like.. around 5 versions i'm gonna suffer having to use my awful team that i didn't change since 2022, let's hope the upcomming fontaine characters will be worth maining/using tho


I skipped her and I will skip her again and again... and I will also regret this but I am also goind to skip like litterally every other character in the game so it's fine I guess


i lost my 50/50 i hope i get her this time


nilou is so pretti uwu





Post author KoeniginYU avatar KoeniginYU
Youtube/Twitch: Koenigin Yu I create gaming and anime contents here, both on Youtube and Twitch. Please feel free to comment and let me know how I can improve, or request for me to review a game. ♪(・ω・)ノ